Farm Shop & cafe

Byaasgaard's farm shop is local drinks and food. You will also find local products such as ceramics, yarns and beauty products. 

Micro bakery - home-baked sourdough bread & rye bread
"Signes own" home-baked sourdough bread & rye bread baked on sourdough and from local flour. 

Morning Plate & Breakfast
A delicious local breakfast plate, with freshly baked bread, local cheese/sausage and coffee.
Remember - you can order breakfast every day. Order at Farm shop

Seasonal green & local cheese and sausages
We have seasonal greens from our own Micro Farming & from Sølager værkstederne.
We have the delicious cheese from Tothaven and our own salami & sausages .  

EGGS from own hens
In the farm shop you will also find eggs from our chickens – they are fed exclusively with organic feed and love. We don't have that many – but they are good!

Natural Wine
Check out our selection, among from Garbolund – Local natural wine from Annisse.
We have selected something that is exactly right for summer evenings!

What exactly is natural wine (Danish) - click HERE? 

Opening hours

The Farm Shop will open in new renovated surroundings in 2025

Stay tuned on this World Wide Internet for more info

Byaasgaard - Gårdbutik & Camping | Farm shop & Camping
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Byaasgaard - Gårdbutik & Camping | Farm shop & Camping

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